

FIMIGroup figura entre las tres primeras empresas del mundo gracias a la calidad y exhaustividad de sus servicios…


El recorrido de FIMIGroup desde 1963 hasta nuestros días, desde un…


FIMIGroup se compone de 3 divisiones principales situadas en…


FIMIGroup ha consolidado su posición en los últimos años gracias a un…



En casi sesenta años de actividad, FIMIGroup ha establecido relaciones…

Medios de comunicación

Vea nuestros vídeos y conozca nuestros productos, nuestros…

¡Estamos contratando!

FIMIGroup está siempre a la búsqueda de personas dinámicas…

Póngase en contacto

¡Estamos siempre a su disposición! Escríbanos o llámenos…




FIMI Machinery es la división del Grupo que diseña, construye y pone en servicio plantas y máquinas…


FIMI Service es la división del Grupo capaz de garantizar un apoyo puntual y profesional en…



FIMI Automation opera en el sector de la automatización industrial desde 1988 y está especializada en…




Los productos fabricados por la División Machinery están diseñados para satisfacer las exigencias de…


La presencia de FIMI Service en las industrias de todo el mundo es especialmente fuerte donde el mantenimiento y…


Diseño y realización de sistemas avanzados de automatización, hardware y software, para plantas…



En casi sesenta años de actividad, FIMIGroup ha establecido relaciones en todo el mundo y hoy cuenta con más de 300 clientes…


La satisfacción del cliente es nuestro principal objetivo y por ello FIMIGroup utiliza su experiencia y…




FIMIGroup se sitúa entre las tres primeras empresas del mundo gracias a la calidad y amplitud de sus servicios…


FIMIGroup se compone de 3 divisiones principales situadas en el norte de Italia, a las que se añaden otras 5 sedes…


FIMIGroup ha consolidado su posición en los últimos años gracias a una racionalización de sus propios recursos y…



El recorrido de FIMIGroup desde 1963 hasta nuestros días, desde un pequeño taller mecánico hasta un importante polo industrial italiano…


Hoy como entonces, la estrategia de la empresa es ofrecer siempre una respuesta puntual a las necesidades específicas…


Automación, Sin categorizar

Second appointment Learning with FIMIGroup

The second appointment with the students of LIUC – Cattaneo University of Castellanza (VA) took place on Monday 30 May, this time attending the second year of the three-year degree course in Management Engineering in English.

The students were able to visit the Viganò (LC) headquarters and the FIMI Automation headquarters for direct in-depth information on the field.
The teacher. Maddalena Aime as well as Sales Manager of FIMIGroup for the ferrous division, assisted by Mr. Roberto Merlo, Sales Manager of FIMIGroup for the non-ferrous division, first illustrated the company and what it deals with, exemplifying the basic concepts of plant engineering and the problems related to it, with the most technological and innovative line created by FIMI: washing, degreasing and painting line for thin aluminium. A lot of aspects of plant engineering, automation, safety and certification, Industry 4.0 were touched on, in order to convey the sequence of processes that lead to the creation of these plants, preparatory to understanding the company organization, the management of the job order and its physical implementation, and the cost structure.

Afterwards, the students were able to speak with the CEO of FIMIGroup, Mr. Antonio Pensotti, for a chat/interview that provided notable discussion points, touching on various aspects of managing a group like ours.

We then moved to the FIMI Automation headquarters in Barzanò (LC) to visit the site, gain knowledge of the company processes and the basic concepts of industrial automation, showing the real use of the concepts introduced in the course, and reiterating the concept of the role of the management engineer within an automation and machine construction company and the job opportunities that can be offered relating to what students have learned in their Management Engineering studies.
Back at the headquarters in Viganò, we visited the mechanical and assembly workshop of the FIMI Machinery division where the systems and machines that process coils of different types of material are built, and then closed the day with the return home.

Subsequently, on Monday 6 June, the third appointment took place, to complete the company overview, thanks to a conference call with Mr. Domenico Mastronicola, Business Analyst & Controller of FIMIGroup, who illustrated the methodologies for recording and monitoring costs per order, highlighting the main problems encountered and the various solutions proposed.

Good luck with the continuation of their studies from FIMIGroup to all the students who were involved in the three appointments with us, in the hope of having transmitted knowledge that will be useful in their professional journey.

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