New FIMIGroup website online!
We are finally online with our new website www.fimigroup.it
The more watchful will have realised that our digital identity has been undergoing major changes over the past few days: the websites referring to the Machinery, Service and Automation divisions are no longer active in the name of a single large webpage that brings together all the information relating to our activities, our brands and our products.

A strategic decision that was the result of a process that led the company to grow more and more: the acquisitions of the last few years and those in the current one, have created a new awareness of the Group that deserved to be recognised also in terms of communication.
Signing the project was our partner Kifadesign S.r.l., an agency that understood well our needs and worked with the aim of reorganising the content, creating a pleasant and clear user experience and giving new imprint to the graphic design, which was updated and enhanced for the occasion.

www.fimigroup.it is a responsive site, navigable from any device and is currently translated into Italian and English but it will soon be available in Russian, Chinese, German and Portuguese as well.
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